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Happy New Year


Initiative of United Health        Organization


Yoga at Home


Image by Good Faces

you're invited to join wcohc monthly meetings 

february 8, 2024
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 5233 0023
Passcode: 948853
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,85152330023#,,,,*948853# US 

Join us each 2nd Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm EST to participate in our coalition meetings. "Join Us" and copy and paste the web address above into your browser.  Use the link above to join in on the call. Whether you are coming to listen, participate, or learn, we would love to have your presence and hear your voice at the table. 

We also hope you can join us in our commitment to protect our communities' health - drop us a line at or use one of the various contact forms on the site like the one below, and we'll be thrilled to add you to our meeting notification list.

Smile Check

Wayne County Oral 
Health Coalition

Welcomes Everyone

to be a voice at the table

Using Mobile Phones
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Wayne County Oral Health Coalition - Drop us a line and we'll get back to you within 48 hours. 


If you choose to be added to our Meeting Notification list, you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Success! Message received. We'll be in touch with you within 48 hours. Thank you for your submission.

We often survey different audiences belonging to varied demographics and psychographics. QuestionPro provided us unmatched features to tailor our surveys to suit different types of audiences, collecting all the insights we need.

Apart from the free survey software, we also have access to QuestionPro's free survey templates. We've found many of them useful and powerful to collect insights from various stakeholders of our organization.

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